
Professor Yury Kolomensky in the lab with postdoc
Name Job title Department Role Research interests
Mina Aganagic Professor of Mathematics and Physics Faculty

Particle Physics

Ehud Altman Professor Faculty

Atomic, Molecular and Optical PhysicsCondensed Matter Physics And Materials Science

James Analytis Professor Faculty

Condensed Matter Physics And Materials Science

Jonathan Arons Professor Emeritus Faculty


Stuart Bale Professor Faculty

AstrophysicsPlasma and Nonlinear Dynamics

Korkut Bardakci Professor Emeritus Faculty

Particle Physics

Eric Betzig Professor Faculty


Robert Birgeneau Arnold and Barbara Silverman Distinguished Professor of Physics, Materials Science and Engineering, and Public Policy, Chancellor Emeritus Faculty

Condensed Matter Physics And Materials Science

Raphael Bousso Professor and The Chancellor's Chair in Physics Faculty

Particle Physics, Astrophysics

Raúl Briceño Assistant Professor Faculty

Nuclear Physics, Particle Physics

Dmitry Budker Professor Emeritus of the Graduate School Faculty

Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, Particle Physics, ...

Carlos Bustamante Professor Faculty


Yuan Cao Assistant Professor Faculty
William Chinowsky Professor Emeritus Faculty


John Clarke Professor Emeritus of the Graduate School Faculty

Condensed Matter Physics And Materials Science

Marvin Cohen University Professor of Physics, Professor Emeritus, Professor of the Graduate School Faculty

Condensed Matter Physics And Materials Science

Michael Crommie Professor Faculty

Condensed Matter Physics And Materials Science

Liang Dai Assistant Professor and The Michael M. Garland Chair in Physics Faculty

Astrophysics, Particle Physics

Marc Davis Professor Emeritus Faculty


Michael DeWeese Professor Faculty


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