Selected Hot, Cool, and Ultra-Cold Topics in Atomic Physics
Course topic and philosophy: Selected Topics in Modern Atomic Physics. The course is aimed at both graduate students in atomic physics and related fields, as well as at interested seniors. A list of topics may include (not necessarily in order):
- Geonium
- Testing discrete symmetries in atoms: parity, time-reversal, CPT, spin-statistics
- Nonlinear laser spectroscopy and magneto-optics
- Magnetometry with atoms
- Electromagnetically-induced transparency (EIT)
- Adiabatic population transfer
- Squeezed states of light, and atoms, and their applications
- Quantum beats
- Laser cooling and trapping
- Bose-Einstein condensates
- Light-induced drift
- More on how atomic collisions could actually be fun (atomic states with small collisional perturbation, spin exchange, trapping molecules, etc.)
The final list of topics will be worked out in the course of the semester and will be influenced by the students' interests. We intend for this course to be different from usual lecture courses in several ways:
I. Student participation. About half of the material will be presented by the Instructor, and half by the students. The Instructor will assist students in choosing topics for presentation in class, and in finding literature necessary for preparation. Each student is expected to give at least two presentations in the course of the semester.
II. Aim of the course. Modern atomic physics is a vast field in itself currently undergoing a remarkable boom. The course will acquaint students with a number of diverse developments, results and techniques. Because of the broad spectrum of topics we will touch upon, we will have to sacrifice the "depth" of the coverage of any given topic. However, we hope that the course will serve as introduction to literature, which will be a good starting point for the students in their individual in-depth studies.
III. Course structure will reflect the Instructor's belief that not all learning should be done in a "sequential" way. In fact, when we are faced with an issue in the course of research, we very rarely read a physics book from page one. We believe that it is an important skill to be able to quickly grasp basic ideas and to make estimates in essentially any branch of physics. We will practice it in this course.
Time and place: Tu, Th 930-11A, 331 LeConte
Instructor: Assist. Prof. D. Budker, office: 219 Birge,
labs: B217, 208, 217, 221 and 230 Birge, tel. 643-1829,
Research group web page
Number of units: 2-4. Two 1.5 hr lectures per week.
Homework: There will be several homework sets posted on the course web site. Problems that will be offered in this course will vary in difficulty. Most of them will allow for solutions at different levels - from simple estimates or plausibility arguments to involved calculations. Students are advised to start with the former and then proceed to the latter as far as necessary and/or their current level allows. Collective work on the problems is strongly encouraged; however, each student has to turn in an individual write-up. Problems may or may not be related to the material covered in class; however, they generally will. Some problems may require consulting literature on topics not covered in class.
Final exam: None of that, sorry...
Grades: Grades will be assigned based on homework (50%) and oral presentations in class (50%).
Office hours: Tuesday, 2-3 p.m., 219 Birge.
The Reader: a course Reader containing lecture notes, reprints of research papers, and further references (including videos) will be available in the beginning of the semester.
Recommended texts (there is no required text):
1. I. I. Sobelman. Atomic Spectra and Radiative Transitions. Springer, 1992. Advanced text, a favorite atomic physicist’s desk reference. QC 454 A8 S62
2. S. Stenholm. Foundations of Laser Spectroscopy. Wiley, 1984. An introductory theoretical text. QC 454.L3 S75
3. A. Siegman. Lasers. University Science Books, c1986. Arguably, the best book on lasers. QC688 .S561 1986 Reserve
4. N. V. Karlov. Lectures on Quantum Electronics. CRC, 1993. An excellent introduction into laser physics. QC 689.K3713
5. L. D. Landau and E. M. Lifshits. Quantum Mechanics. This is one of best texts on quantum mechanics. Includes rigorous treatment of many basic aspects of atomic physics and has a lot of examples and problems with solutions.
6. N. F. Ramsey. Molecular Beams. Oxford, 1990. This book was first published in 1956, but it is still an extremely useful reference covering such topics as gas kinetics, magnetic resonance, atomic hyperfine structure, traditional molecular-beam techniques and many others.
7. W. Demtroder. Laser Spectroscopy. Springer, 1996. Gives brief and clear description of basic concepts and many modern spectroscopic techniques.
8. I. B. Khriplovich. Parity Nonconservation in Atomic Phenomena. Gordon&Breach, 1991. An advanced text reviewing theory and (to a lesser extent) experiments on P and T violation in atoms, molecules and solids. QC 793.3 S9 K4513
9. Parity Violation in Atoms and Electron Scattering, B. Frois and M. A. Bouchiat, eds., World Scientific, 1999. A collection of recent review and research papers on the subject.
10. I. B. Khriplovich and S. K. Lamoreaux, CP violation without strangeness : electric dipole moments of particles, atoms, and molecules. New York : Springer-Verlag, c1997. QC793.3.V5 K47 1997
11. W. H. King. Isotope Shifts in Atomic Spectra. Plenum, 1984. Combines discussion of basic concepts and techniques and an element-by-element review of the isotope shift data. QC 454 A8 K56
12. H. A. Bethe and E. A. Salpeter. Quantum Mechanics of One- and Two-electron Atoms. Plenum 1977. A standard reference. QC 174.17.P7 B471 Reserve
13. R. N. Zare, Angular momentum : understanding spatial aspects in chemistry and physics. New York : Wiley, c1988. Arguably, the best book on the subject. QC793.3.A5 Z371 1987
14. A. R. Edmonds. Angular momentum in quantum mechanics. Princeton University Press, 1974. A brief but concise review of angular momentum. QC174.1 .E3 1974
15. R. Loudon. The quantum theory of light. 2nd ed. Oxford : Clarendon Press ; New York, Oxford University Press, 1983. QC446.2 .L68 1983 Reserve
16. R. W. Boyd. Nonlinear optics. Boston : Academic Press, c1992.
UCB Physics QC446.2 .B69 1992
17. E.B. Alexandrov, M.P. Chaika, and G.I. Khvostenko, Interference of atomic states. Berlin ; New York : Springer-Verlag, c1993. QC467 .A38 1993
18. C. Cohen-Tannoudji, Atoms in Electromagnetic Fields, World Scientific, 1994. QC665.E4 C64 1994
19. H. Metcalf, Laser cooling and trapping, Springer, New York, 1999. QC689.5.L35 M47 1999
20. Atomic Physics, volumes 9-16. Proceedings of the bi-annual International Conference on Atomic Physics (ICAP).
Problem Set |
Due Date |
Solution |
02/01/2000 |
02/15/2000 |
02/29/2000 |
03/14/2000 |
Soon! |
04/11/2000 |
Soon! |
Lecture Notes, Electronic Tutorials
Laser cooling: some very basic ideas
Laser frequency stabilization techniques
Measurements of the fine structure constant: a reviewby D. F. Kimball
An optical approach to BEC in cesiumby Mark DePue
Magnetic trapping and evaporative cooling by Eunhwa Jeong
Electric Dipole Momentsby Prof. E. D. Commins SLIDES
MathematicaTM notebook (a very short lecture note): EDM Hamiltonian NB
Table-top tests of gravitation by D. F. Kimball SLIDESWhy Bose-Einstein condensates interfere?by N. Bramall
Dark states (J=1->J=0 transition)
MathematicaTM notebook: Two-level quantum mechanical system with periodic perturbation - elementary tutorial NB
MathematicaTM notebook (a very short one): Chemical Potential and BEC temperature calculator NB
Useful Links, Web Resources
Physics 290 F "Atomic" Seminar
Web Elements Periodic Table
Bose-Einstein Condensation (BEC) Homepage
Harvard's ITAMP online talks
Neutron Trapping Demonstrated (Jan. 5, 2000)
NIST F-1 Cesium Fountain Clock (Dec. 29, 1999)
If you have comments or suggestions, email me at
Acknowledgment and Disclaimer: This material is based in part upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. PHY-9733479. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recomendations expressed in this material are
those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation (NSF).